5 essential tips for a sustainable Christmas 2024

January is the month of change – and Veganuary offers the perfect opportunity to discover a plant-based diet. Vegan eating is more than a trend: it improves health and protects the environment. This guide shows you how to try vegan step by step, overcome obstacles and integrate plant-based alternatives - whether you want to switch completely or try something new.

Your personal path to vegan transformation

Choosing a vegan diet is an exciting journey and Veganuary is here to support you. Success stories show: 28% of participants remain vegan six months later, and 80% reduce their consumption of animal products by at least half(1). The free Veganuary offers you:

  • A digital celebrity cookbook with inspiring recipes
  • Practical meal plans for everyday life
  • Personal nutrition tips
  • Regular motivation by email

The German Nutrition Society confirms: A plant-based diet protects health and the environment(2). Many experience the changeover as a culinary enrichment with new, exciting taste experiences(1).

The 3-phase method for a successful Veganuary

The 3-phase method is based on the experiences of successful Veganuary participants, 65% of whom report positive health changes(3).

Keinachtsbaum as an innovative solution  

The Keinachtsbaum® is a modular wooden stand that is filled with cut greenery from fir trees. The branches come from sustainably managed trees. The trunk can be used as a coat rack after the holidays, for example [4].

Energy-saving lighting  

The right lighting creates Christmas spirit, but during the Advent season Germany consumes as much electricity as a medium-sized city does in the whole year [5].

Advantages of LED lighting  

LED fairy lights save up to 90 % electricity compared to conventional light bulbs and only cost around 6 euros in electricity costs during the Christmas period. They are also durable and last up to 10,000 hours, which means they can be used for many years.  

Quick snacks on the go

REWE's salad bar is the ideal place to go for anyone who doesn't want to miss out on quick and tasty snacks on the go. Here you will find a diverse selection of vegan options that are not only fresh and delicious, but also practical.

From falafel made from chickpeas to vegan nuggets and soy teriyaki strips - the salad bar offers numerous toppings clearly labeled as vegan. There is even a practical brochure for ready-made salads with information on ingredients and allergens so that you always have an overview.

Sustainable packaging materials  

- Recycled wrapping paper (e.g. with the Blue Angel seal)  

- Wrapping paper and jute twine  

- Compostable alternatives  

Creative packaging ideas

The Japanese furoshiki tradition of wrapping gifts in cloth is sustainable and decorative. More ideas:  

- Newspaper with natural decorations  

- Old calendar pages or maps  

- Cloth bags that can be reused  

- Preserving jars or tin cans for homemade items  

3. climate-friendly festive meals

The festive meal is a highlight of the Christmas season, but unfortunately around 270,000 tons of food are wasted during this time [7]. Here are tips for a sustainable festive meal.  

Regional ingredients  

Winter offers many regional delicacies: Kale, lamb's lettuce, parsnips, pumpkin, red cabbage, celeriac, potatoes, chestnuts, apples, pears, walnuts and citrus fruits. These ingredients are available fresh and bring variety to the table.  

Seasonal menu planning

Go for organic quality, especially when it comes to dairy products [8]. A vegetarian Christmas menu can significantly reduce the ecological footprint of the festivities, as avoiding meat production, especially beef or pork, reduces CO₂ emissions and the use of resources such as water and energy.

Ideas for a sustainable menu:  

Appetizer: Lamb's lettuce with pears and walnuts  

Main course: Carp or vegetarian polenta dumplings on pumpkin vegetables [9]  

Avoid food waste  

To reduce waste:  

- Planning quantities: Calculate realistically for guests  

- Leftovers: Leftover food can be given to guests in reusable containers

- Storage: freeze meat and fish, keep vegetables cool [10]  

By planning wisely, we can reduce food waste and enjoy the festive season in a climate-friendly way.

4. ecological gift ideas  

Giving gifts can bring joy and protect the environment at the same time. Here are some sustainable gift ideas.


[1] - https://www.awb-landkreis-karlsruhe.de/start/wissen/tipps+fuer+abfallarme+weihnachten.html

[2] - https://utopia.de/ratgeber/weihnachtsbaum-alternativen-bio-oeko-regional-mieten-topf-plastik-kein-baum-was-ist-am-besten_9097/

[3] - https://baumeria.de/nachhaltiger-weihnachtsbaum-alternative/

[4] - https://blog.campact.de/2023/11/5-umweltschonende-und-nachhaltige-weihnachtsbaum-varianten/

[5] - https://utopia.de/ratgeber/beleuchtung-fuer-den-weihnachtsbaum-nachhaltige-ideen-und-was-du-beachten-solltest_110553/

[6] - https://utopia.de/ratgeber/geschenke-verpacken-tipps_10297/#google_vignette

[7] - https://www.grundig.com/at-de/respect-food/tips-and-stories/how-much-food-goes-to-waste-during-christmas-and-how-can-we-prevent-It-

[8] - https://utopia.de/ratgeber/weihnachtsessen-mit-regionalen-zutaten-3-festliche-rezepte_169397/

[9] - https://www.landwirtschaft-verstehen.at/genuss/tipps-fuer-kauf-und-kueche/verarbeitung/menuetipp-fuer-das-regionale-weihnachtsesse

[10] - https://www.oekotest.de/essen-trinken/Weihnachtsessen-Jetzt-schon-vorsorgen-um-an-Weihnachten-keine-Lebensmittel-zu-verschwenden_11065_1.html

[11] - https://uponmylife.de/82-zero-waste-geschenk-ideen-fuer-jedes-budget/

[12] - https://www.waz.de/freizeit/article407633752/weihnachten-mal-anders-sechs-geschenke-die-gutes-bewirken.html

[13] - https://utopia.de/ratgeber/19-besondere-weihnachtsgeschenke-mit-sinn_411508/

[14] - https://kommunal.de/muellvermeidung-weihnachtsmaerkte

[15] - https://www.grueneliga-berlin.de/themen-projekte2/oekomarkt/adventsoekomarkt-2/

[16] - https://www.muenchen.travel/pois/maerkte-feste/tollwood-winterfestival

[17] - https://www.weihnachtsmarkt-stadtgarten.de/

Preview and header image: Rawf8/ istock

Child builds Christmas tree: No Christmas tree

Presents wrapped in fabric: Nadiia Borovenko/ istock

Family at the Christmas table: gorodenkoff/ istock

Cookies in reusable packaging: Helene Stache

Christmas market: Lorado/ stock