2024 was a year of growth

and valuable experience for EINFACH MEHRWEG. We have been successful not only in the operational area, but also in terms of our environmental impact: In 2024, we saved a total of 29,569 kg CO2e, 556,146 liters of water and 41,159 kg of waste - a significant reduction compared to single-use packaging. This was confirmed by our ISO 14040/14044-compliant life cycle assessment from 2023, which was audited by Bureau Veritas and is based on the assumption that each packaging is reused 50 times.

and valuable experience for EINFACH MEHRWEG. We have successfully replaced 914,210 single-use packaging for To-G food and beverages - that's 2.1 million since the launch of EINFACH MEHRWEG in 2023. Orders for our bestseller, the large tray, have increased by 9.89% compared to the previous year and some of our containers have already had up to 7 rotations. It shows that our system works and is becoming increasingly popular.

The bestseller in our product portfolio is the rectangular tall container, which holds 1,200 ml - with a deposit of 2.50 euros. It is used at the salad bars of our participating partners and can often be found in the "Deli am Markt". There you will find a daily fresh selection of breakfast, lunch dishes and sweets.

In second place is our round and transparent container with a capacity of 500 ml and a deposit of 1.50 euros. It can also be found at the salad bar and at the fresh food counter. We think it has the most potential to become your new favourite in the pre-packed area too.

We also have a split container. It also costs a 2.50 euro deposit. It separates liquid and dry foods from each other, which should only be combined before consumption.

We are optimistic about the coming year and look forward to getting even more people excited about sustainability and reusable packaging.

Wir von sykell wollen euch mit EINFACH MEHRWEG die Möglichkeit geben, ein Teil unseres Kreislaufsystems zu werden, wodurch ihr aktiv zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft beitragen könnt. Mit der Entscheidung für eine bequeme Mehrweg-Lösung und gegen eine herkömmliche Einwegverpackung unterstützt ihr den Umweltschutz.


[1] The New Plastics Economy (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)

[2] Ressourcenschonende Mehrwegsysteme to-go für Lebensmittel und Getränke (Blauer Engel)

Preview and header image: Helene Stache

EINFACH MEHRWEG with food: Antonios Mitsopoulos

EINFACH MEHRWEG with food: Antonios Mitsopoulos

EINFACH MEHRWEG coffee cup: Antonios Mitsopoulos